Nato nei ruggenti seventies, formato nei favolosi eighties, cresciuto nei nichilisti nineties, oggi perduto in una bolla di vetro... MUSICISTI PREFERITI: Bach beethoven Wagner Schubert Vivaldi Miles Davis Chet Baker Stan Getz Beatles Rolling Stones Pink Floyd King Crimson Doors Led Zeppelin Hendrix Tangerine Dream Black Sabbath Iron Maiden Metallica Dead Can Dance Lucio Battisti Francesco De Gregori Vasco Rossi Orme PFM Osanna Franco Battiato Porcupine Tree Queen Dylan Leonard Cohen Duran Duran Spandau Ballet Wham Pet Shop Boys Chiedo scusa a tutti gli altri grandi che mi hanno accompagnato per tutti questi anni...e sono già 36... "Between the iron gates of fate, The seeds of time were sown, And watered by the deeds of those Who know and who are known; Knowledge is a deadly friend When no one sets the rules. The fate of all mankind I see Is in the hands of fools." (Lyrics by Pete Sinfield)
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